Bitbucket Pipelines vs GitLab CI CD

July 15, 2021

Bitbucket Pipelines vs GitLab CI CD

Choosing the right CI/CD tool can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it's easy to get lost in the sea of features that each tool offers. In this post, we'll be comparing Bitbucket Pipelines and GitLab CI/CD on various metrics to help you choose the right tool for your needs.

Introduction to Bitbucket Pipelines and GitLab CI/CD

Bitbucket Pipelines is a continuous integration and deployment tool that is part of the Atlassian suite of developer tools. It allows developers to build, test and deploy their code directly from Bitbucket.

GitLab CI/CD, on the other hand, is a continuous integration and deployment tool that is part of the GitLab platform. It allows developers to build, test and deploy their code in a GitLab repository.

Both tools provide a straightforward and easy-to-use interface, but there are some key differences between them that we will explore in this post.


Bitbucket Pipelines offers a free plan that includes 50 build minutes per month. After that, you can choose to pay $10 per additional user or $10 per additional 1,000 build minutes.

GitLab CI/CD, on the other hand, offers a free plan that includes unlimited users and unlimited build minutes. However, it is worth noting that this plan limits the number of shared runners available for your builds.

In terms of pricing, GitLab CI/CD seems to be a clear winner as it offers more features for free, but if you need more shared runners, you'll likely have to upgrade to a paid plan.


Both Bitbucket Pipelines and GitLab CI/CD offer similar features like build automation, testing and deployment, and both support multiple languages and frameworks.

Bitbucket Pipelines offers a range of integrations with other Atlassian tools like Jira, Bamboo and Confluence, making it a great choice if you're already using Atlassian products.

GitLab CI/CD, on the other hand, offers more advanced features like auto-scaling, dynamic parallelism and Kubernetes integration, making it a better choice for more complex projects.


Performance is a crucial factor when it comes to choosing a CI/CD tool. In this regard, GitLab CI/CD comes with better processing and it’s faster than Bitbucket Pipelines. With CI resource management, you can control the CI/CD resources to avoid potential resource conflict, which can lead to performance lapses. Having optimal resource management improves the CI/CD process, which helps in faster execution.


Ultimately, the choice between Bitbucket Pipelines and GitLab CI/CD depends on your specific needs. If you're an Atlassian fan and don't mind paying for additional build minutes, Bitbucket Pipelines is a great choice. On the other hand, If you want faster performance along with being able to scale much more, while keeping the costs low, then GitLab CI/CD is the way to go.

We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision on which CI/CD tool to choose for your project.


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